Saturday, March 18, 2006

I'm often inclined to shut myself away from all the news of the world. My interest in a story - why people do the crazy things they do - is brief. Each story immediately loses its identity and becomes an emblem of how insane the world is.
  • Milosevic taking medicine to counteract his medicine so he can escape...oh, but it turns out he wasn't, so someone else had to be dreaming that one up.
  • A ex-inmate of Abu Ghraib claiming to be the hooded man, wires dangling from all extremities, in the infamous photo...oh, but it turns out it wasn't him, although he does claim he was subject to the same torture.
  • Hurricane victims being busted for double-dipping on relief benefits.
  • Virtually everything our president does or says
I can only sigh/shrug/roll my eyes. I bet if I stopped reading the paper, then picked one up after 20 years, I wouldn't think the world had changed, just that people were still as crazy as ever.

So, big deal. I'm jaded and cynical. Who cares? One might say that I continue to read the papers to shore up my aloof sense of sanity. One might be right. Although, I guess the sigh/shrug/eye roll isn't really a sign of not caring.

Whatever...this isn't worth the ink. More pix of my cat to come...

After reading this post, I fully realize the absurdity of my calling that chick's pictures self-indulgent...apologies to the universe. (I already apologized to the chick.)


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