Saturday, August 26, 2006

flash idea for a reality vignette...starring Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton has an idea...

She brings her publicist and financial advisor into a room, and says one word:

Paris: "Fungible."

The publicist and advisor look at each other, bemused yet dutiful.

Retinue: "Fungible?"

Paris: "Yes, fungible...a dollar is a dollar, right?"

Retinue: "Of course, honey."

Paris: "No, it isn't. So listen up, hotties, this is what I want you two to do."

The retinue skooch close.

Paris (cont'd): I'm badass, right?

Retinue: Pure nasty.

Paris: From now on, I'm all mine, all me all the time.

Retinue: But you are all you.

Paris: Not me, the money.

The retinue are puzzled.

Paris: From now on, I don't spend what I had before, only what I make.

The retinue are still puzzled.

Paris: I made like ten million from the album, right?

Retine: Uh-huh.

Paris: That's where we start. All the old money is off. I live off what I earn.

So that's the idea. Paris Hilton decides only to spend what she earns herself, and donates to charity all that she has received from her father. The obvious issue is that she has bee able to earn money due to the celebrity that her father's wealth afforded her, but I don't care at the moment, I'm just running with this.


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